Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Move and plans

So here I am. Out of the apartment with the killer stairs. I can't say I'm sad to leave those friggin' stairs behind. My knee will thank me.

Dan died July 25, 2007 leaving the apartment to mom. However because of the way it all shook out, we ended up having to buy the apartment from the estate. Nightmare!! One year later and it's still not completely done. The estate was in MO; the apartment is in PA. Legal hassles, people moving all around; a paper chase ensues.

I've moved into this apartment with mom. It's not as hard as one might think except the part where we combine the two households. Thank god for self-storage, charities that "recycle" and friends looking for a change.

I'm still digging out. I'm using my textiles as a carrot. If I get this done, I may spend this amount of time knitting, weaving, reading, whatever. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I think.

I've got the next weaving project decided on. There's something called a tubular spectrum that I'd like to try in a shadow weave or some twill variation.

I also want to weave some small bedside rugs or bath mats - maybe both. I have medium weight pastel cottolin for warp with cream cotton chenille weft.

Future projects include a silk chenille throw, skirt length of Zephyr 50/50 silk and wool, and
I'd like to weave a bed cover in the "Lee's Surrender" pattern. I'm going to use Bermudian pastels in Shetland weight 100% wool for the warp. If I ever get the rest spun, I'll be using hand-dyed merino for the weft. It looks like a Bermudian sunset so I think some sampling will be necessary to make sure I'm not going to muddy the pattern with too many colors. Fingers crossed.


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