Friday, November 6, 2009

Nantucket Jacket III

I don't remember exactly when I started it. Not exactly the day or the time. I don't remember casting on. I had gotten the back finished and was 1/2 way through the fronts when I stopped. The Nantucket Jacket.

I love the style of this jacket. I love the pattern. I love the yarn I chose. So why did I put it down and forget about it for so long?

Who knows!

I started it some time after New Year's 2007. I started my new job in February of that year and I remember knitting this during lunch. I had knee surgery a month or so later. Dan died later that year. In the meantime there was an office move. But how this got put away, I don't know.

About a month ago, mom and I were going through my stash and she saw this poor orphaned project just lying there. I pulled it out and started to work on it again. I bought the buttons and last night I finally finished sewing it together and put the buttons on.

Today I am wearing my brand new sweater. Yay!!


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