Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Great Fall


All knitting -- and just about everything else -- is on hold for a little while. The evening before last I took a bit of a fall. Ok -- it was a great fall.

It all started at lunchtime. For some reason after lunch I started feeling nauseous. I was going to call mum to see if she would pick me up but then a friend said she would drive me home.

I get home and lay down. The cat (Iggy) wants out. I get up to let her out but it's raining and she wants right back in. I let Iggy in.

I lay down. Iggy wants out. I get up to let her out but it's raining and she wants right back in. I let Iggy in.

I lay down. Iggy wants out. I get up to let her out but it's raining and she wants right back in. I let Iggy in.

I lay down. Iggy wants out.

And here's where it all goes terribly pear-shaped.

My right knee decides we're having too much fun with the in and out game. Knee buckles ad I try to remain upright. I fail miserably.

Beside the bed just a few feet away is a freestanding fireplace. In front of the fireplace is a cute, rather expensive cat bed shaped like an Adirondack chair that Iggy refuses to use. Between the bed and the fireplace is Dedo - a small stone gargoyle.

So it goes like this: cat meows, I get up, knee buckles, I fall down -- on top of the cat bed. My back hit the fireplace and my thigh hit Dedo's ear.

My mom, who jumps and yells "Are you alright???" if I close the shower door a little too hard, did not react. The cat sat at the door, yelling to get out.

Mom finally come out of the bedroom a couple minutes later to let the cat out and sees me on the floor, struggling to get up. With my knee across in front of me this is a little more difficult than usual. I'm also trying very hard not to throw up. Mom asks what I'm doing (you know, aside from cursing) and the cat yells to go out. Mom comes over and offers to help me up. Uh huh, and thanks but having mom fall on top of me would hardly be helpful. And the cat is yelling to get out.

Mom goes over and lets the cat out. I manage to maneuver to a position where I can get off the floor. My right shoulder is badly stoved and I can't move it. My right knee is banged up. My right thigh feels like I've been stabbed -- by a gargoyle's point ear! And the cat is yelling to come in.

I'm normally a right-side sleeper but not now. The bruises didn't look bad Wednesday when I took my shower. When I went to the restroom at work I caught a glimpse of the one bruise and O M G!

So now two days later I have a blue stripe across my back and a bruise on my ass that looks like a purple/black silhouette of Saturn (rings and all) the size of a cantaloupe! And I'm sure at this moment at home the cat either wants in or out!


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