Friday, December 19, 2008

Knee socks?

No! BEE socks.

A friend of mine is a science writer and she has done several stories about the disappearing bees. I made the bee mummy for her (long story)

so for the holiday I gave her some bee socks

And no. It was not from my stash. But I ask you: how many times are you going to come across a yarn that is this perfect for a bee project?


Friday, December 12, 2008

Why the stash?

Non-knitters sometimes ask the silliest questions! "Why do you have all this yarn?"

Lots of reasons!

1) I see the yarn in the store for a project that will be next in line. I can't be sure I'll finish (or even start) before the dye lot is sold out so maybe I should buy a few extra skeins just in case. Once the project is done and I have the leftovers (whole or partial skein doesn't matter at that point) there's nothing for it but putting it in the stash. Take the whole skeins back to the store? That's just crazy talk!

2) I see the yarn in the store and I think of a project I'd love to do so I buy the yarn for that project. But something comes up (like another project) and I don't get a chance to cast on or warp the loom. What else can I do but put it in the stash?

3) I see yarn in the store and I buy it because of the color (texture, etc.) but I don't know what I'm going to use it for quite yet. I'll know the perfect project when I see it. However if I don't buy it now the perfect project will come along and I won't be able to get that yarn. Stash now; knit later.

4) I see yarn in the store and it's on sale! I don't know what I'll use it for yet but I'm sure I'll be able to figure out something. I mean, look at it! How can it not be great for something? And the price! That's such a good price! Buy it; stash it.

5) I see the yarn in the store and I just have to have it -- hmmm, a pattern emerging? -- because I'm a hoarder of yarn and it's mine, mine, all mine!

"Once there is a stash, why buy more? Why not work from the stash?"

That's just more crazy talk! The stash is where all the ideas come from. It's the "cabbage patch" of projects, if you will. There sit all the skeins of yarn. Look at the way they can be combined and ideas will just pop into your head. A Plethora of projects. All the possibilities are right there before your eyes. Once you make a choice, all the possibilities disappear as if they were never there at all.

That idea depresses me. Excuse me. I'm going to the yarn store now. I need to buy some yarn in order to get out of this funk.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Forum luncheon

Today I went to a luncheon where the speaker was Oliver "Buck" Revell. The talk was very good. The man is a former FBI agent and was talking about "global terrorism." His responses to the questions were interesting and direct. No hedging, which I appreciated. Of course there were no specifics because a) the time was too short and b) that would be telling and that's something thee FBI just doesn't do.

There was a whole "Charlie Wilson's War" edge to it. He also mentioned the book. I think I'd like to read that. I think I'll look for that one as well as Revell's book next time I go to the bookstore.

Of course I also want ot get another Lee Nichols book. And let's not forget "The Eclectic Sole." I saw a "Clean House" where Trish actually said, "How many knitting books does one person really need?" It's a good thing I wasn't there to bitchslap her! Silly girl! Silly question!


Monday, December 1, 2008

I Can't Wait!!!

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince   Looks like this is going to be cool but I have to wait until July. Damn WB!

I saw "Australia" last Saturday. It was good. All the aboriginals were magnificent! Very well cast! Hugh Jackman was brilliant AND droolworthy.  I'm not a big Nicole Kidman fan. She's a very adequate craftsman but not a brilliant actress. However, she kept her British accent amidst the Aussies. That's very difficult considering she's originally an Aussie.

Continuity left much to be desired.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

She got them!

Whew! I was worried that Eileen wouldn't get them or that she wouldn't like them. But she did and she did. Mom kept asking "What's not to like?" and Scott threatened to ask me to make some for his grandkids. lol

I guess they were ok after all!


Monday, November 24, 2008



The Christmas stockings are finally finished. I trust no one would mind if I vow at this moment never to do these stockings again.


Almost there

I finally finished the stockings. Last night I sewed one together. Tonight I'll sew the other and block both. Tomorrow I can send them through campus mail. If I'm very, very lucky they will arrive to Eileen on Wednesday.

If I'm not so lucky they will arrive on Monday. If I'm totally SOL they'll get lost in interoffice mail.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Not happy. Sooooo not happy!

Yesterday I had to go to the dr. to see about my wrist (still to be decided and tests to be done). I get out and the car won't start. No click; no sound. The running lights and the inside lights come on. So does a "check engine" light. Very not good.

I call Geico and Geico calls Tennis Towing. The Tennis driver said he was pretty sure it was just the battery so he jumped it. The car started and then I had to go to Saturn. I now have a new battery and an appointment to have the on-board computer replaced plus inspection done on Black Friday.

This is so not what I wanted to do with $500.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Plan

A'ndrea and I have decided we are going to pull together to help each other - sometime. We both have stashes in desperate need of organization. She and I have decided to get together and help each other do just that. I want to put mine in the "stash" section of Ravelry as well as in a spread sheet so maybe - just maybe - I can figure out what I have and what projects are squirreled around.

I need to turn some WIPs and UFOs into FOs, dammit!


Friday, November 7, 2008

One down and more books

One stocking is finished except for the name and sewing it together. The other one has been started.

In the meantime I am reading. I guess I should not be taking the time to read instead of knit or warping but I've been waiting for "Remember Me?" to come out in paperback and it finally has. I'm not quite 1/2 way through but there's enough to keep me reading.

At the same time I also got "The Audacity of Hope." I'm reading that as well but I don't drop that in my purse and take it with me. It's more of a sit down and read chapters at a time. It's not like Kinsella's books where I can read a page or two and pick it up later.

I really liked "Undomestic Goddess." Even though the premise was a little out there - ok, a lot out there - it was a fun read. The first of the Shopaholics books was like that.

I need see if there are more by the woman who wrote "The Little Lady Agency." Those were a blast to read.

All I can say is thank goodness for the AAUW. Now when I'm finished with a book that isn't meant to be put in my library, I toss it in my trunk and stop at the drop-off on my way past.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

That candy cane!

The candy cane and the name are supposed to be knitted in or duplicate stitched later. Duplicate is NOT working! I think I'm going to cross stitch both on.

Last night I knitted a a strip three stitches wide, alternating the green and white as the candy cane requires and I could sew that on. I also thought about making it out of felt and sewing it on. Either option still would not address the name issue. I like the idea that the candy cane and the name are made in the same way for continuity of the project.

There are supposed to be some felt holly leave on this somewhere but I don't think I'm going to put those on. I could decorate the tree with French knots maybe.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Candy cane - what to do?

One side of the stocking has a tree; the other side has a candy cane. The tree lends itself nicely to intarsia but the candy cane is only 2 stitches wide in most places and striped at that.

I could (if I had done it earlier) purl the stitches of the cane and duplicate stitch them after. Or I could duplicate stitch then on knit. Or I could crochet them either way. Ot I could make the candy cane and then sew it on. Hmmmm....


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Starting over

I couldn't stand the Red Heart any longer. I wasn't getting anywhere with the project because I couldn't stand the feel of the yarn. Vilevilevilevile!!!!

I changed to Plymouth Encore. Now it's never going to be my favorite yarn; however I like it for projects like the Christmas stockings and for afghans, children's sweaters, things I know are going to require ease in washing and drying.

It's going much better!


Friday, October 24, 2008


Ripping out! I was counting stitches last night. There should be an uneven number of stitches in the Christmas tree. There were not. Several rows back I didn't increase on the one side. Ripping back tonight!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Christmas stocking

I found the pattern. It was in the file so that's settled. I did the ribbing and the band. Now I'm ready to start the tree. I emailed Eileen to ask some details like the names and where does the holly go. She's going to cut out the holly and sew it on.

I wasn't sure about the placement of the names on the top but she was able to answer that for me. I was deciding whether to do the tree in duplicate or Intarsia. I thin k Intarsia will be best but the candy cane and the names are duplicate stitch.

The yarn is VILE!


Monday, October 20, 2008

Crap, crap, crap!

I totally forgot I'm supposed to make two Christmas stockings for a woman I used to work with. With the move and all I gave the stocking back that she loaned me. I did not want to lose that, I can tell you! It was one that was made for her daughter when her daughter was a young girl. I know how I would feel if the one mom sewed for me was lost!

Problem: where in the world did I put the pattern??? I saw it not long ago but did I put it with the yarn? Nooooooooo! Of course not! Worst case I call the woman and ask for a copy of the original - which I gave back with the stocking.

I think I know where it is. I look this morning in the folding file where I have a bunch of patterns I need to put in page savers. Then I have to put then in my pattern notbook. Of course because I was so sure the pattern was in there - it wasn't.

Next stop - my file drawer. Now I'm certain that's where I last saw the pattern. Uh huh. We'll see tonight when I actually find the pattern. not finding it is really not an option. (It is but it isn't.)

If I sit down and just do them I can probably have both finished next week.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Ripping back and starting again

That's exactly what I did. The twists where the cable join were not coming out clearly.

I'm going to put two purl stitches in the center to see if that gives a little more definition. I also have to make just one twist instead of two. That's the problem with variegated yarn.

So here's where it is now

That's better. Happier me!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Gloves and cables

I decided to put a cable on the gloves. Two actually. I have one on each side of the wrist. Every two rows I cross a stitch in on both sides. A purl on the outside of the cable makes the cable stand out better than if I knit. 
The inside of the "diamond"  is seed stitch. Every other row is a pattern row. The row in between is a plain row with seed stitch only in the center of the diamond. 

I think I'll do a double twist where the sides of the diamonds meet.     



Sunday, October 12, 2008

Socks? Gloves?

I decided I have to have a knitting project going. It's not as though I don't have plenty of projects going now but I feel the need to work on something new.
I got my needles out and my sock yarn and it's gloves! I decided I want to make some nice, long gauntlet gloves. I checked by sticking a pair of socks on my arms and I discovered that the length should be about the length of the leg or perhaps a little longer. I can actually use the same number of stitches to start. The hand and foot area should take about the same amount of yarn since my hand is smaller than my foot. Even if it takes more I should have enough yarn. When I make socks I usually have enough left over to make a pair of "golf socks." I'm almost done with the ribbing so it's decision time. Make a plain arm or make a cable. Hmmm....
I'm still winding out a warp for the loom. I can't seem to get motivated at stand at the loom after a long day at work. The weekends have been a little hectic too. I'm trying to make the best of the good weather because I know it won't last forever. Then in the evening I veg out in front of the computer or the TV. Usually with a cat needing and deserving attention while she sleeps.
Iggy does try to help out. In order to keep me from vegging in front of the computer, she jumps up on the chair for a snooze until I'm settled somewhere else. There's something about claiming "my spot" as "her spot." Typical kitty behavior.


Sunday, August 24, 2008


I went to the Fair this past weekend. A friend of mine won a blue ribbon for her afghan. In her words it's a "fierce pink" that will "growl at all the other baby afghans and make them cry." It is actually a lovely raspberry color. She did a beautiful job on it!

She also go a "best of show" ribbon for her socks. She does the best kitchner stitch I've ever seen. I have to get her to teach me how she does that so evenly! Very cool. I had to call to congratulate her as soon as I got home.

I have to call the woman who is getting married in September. Here's the problem: what do you get a couple who is getting married - both for the second time; both have their own homes and have had for some times - and they will not be living together for a while. I was thinking about weaving the cloth that will wrap their hands during the ceremony but I don't know if they will be having that kind of ceremony.

Next problem: If I do weave the cloth, which is about the size of a scarf, what to do with the project I'm warping now? Since it isn't fully wound out I could put it aside or I could wind for the smaller loom. Of course there's no place to put the smaller loom to work on it so the larger loom would be better ... and on and on.

Yep. I really need to call her tonight.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Poor Scott

My poor brother. He called last night. During the conversation, I brought up about the CPU I had given him.
Me: "You know the Dell that you loaded all the HP drivers onto? And then you loaded all the AOL stuff on and it wouldn't boot?"
Him: "Yeah."
Me: "Well I got it to boot. I booted in safe mode. Then I deleted all HP stuff; all AOL stuff; then I did a restore as far back as it would allow."
Him: "OK."
Me: "Then I did a disk wipe; deleted the partition; reinstalled the partition; reinstalled XP."
Him: "Good."
Me: "Then I donated it to the Obama campaign."
Him: "I see."
Me: "In your name."
Him: (dead silence .. and then) "You didn't do it in MY name, did you?"
Me: "Yeah! I know you're a huge supporter and would want ... Of course I didn't!"
Him: "Whew!"
Me: "Only because I didn't think of it at the time."
Scott is a "right wing hard hat in a family full of liberals." I'm not sure McCain is conservative enough for him. Sometimes I think maybe the religious right is a little liberal for his tastes. But he's the only brother I have anymore and I adore him.
I'm still winding out the warp. About 1/4 of the way through. I'm doing that in between ripping the songs from CDs so I can get rid of most of the collection. The external hard drive takes up much less space.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bare beginnings

Here's the bare beginning of the weaving project. It has taken all week to get to the point I could get the loom in a position to start winding the warp. There's something in the math that isn't making sense. No worries. It'll sort itself out. Either I'll have to do this twice or I'll have enough for another project or (best of all worlds) I'm thinking this through properly and it'll come out the way I think it will.

Of course, there's a possibility that it'll be nothing like the dimensions I need and I'll turn this into something else altogether. So begins the adventure of weaving a project figured out by someone else who didn't give you all the information necessary to do the math yourself. I think I'm going to like this adventure!

P.S. - the Gang of Four is in the new location on the other side of the courtyard.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Not organized yet!

I wonder how long it'll take before I get organized in my new space. I think I need to find a studio space.

In spite of my best intentions the loom is still surrounded by boxes of stuff. I thought there would be time to myself this past weekend but there wasn't much of that while I was actually at the condo. Aside from while I was asleep, of course. ::sigh::

I did get new sheets and a white board but I didn't get to Lowes or to the grocery. There are still 4 boxes preventing me from getting into the one closet.

I had the kitchen almost all arranged. Suddenly the bowls have gone missing. I'm going to have to hunt those down. Tonight I think I need to go through the dry goods and toss old spices and dead couscous. There is a can of Slim Fast that expired in 2000. I think it's time to toss that one.
My new Handwoven arrived today. There is a good article on warping board ergonomics. I think the artist's easel is probably going to be my best bet.

There are two looms out at the Knitter's Underground that are begging to be warped. There is also one in my living room.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Move and plans

So here I am. Out of the apartment with the killer stairs. I can't say I'm sad to leave those friggin' stairs behind. My knee will thank me.

Dan died July 25, 2007 leaving the apartment to mom. However because of the way it all shook out, we ended up having to buy the apartment from the estate. Nightmare!! One year later and it's still not completely done. The estate was in MO; the apartment is in PA. Legal hassles, people moving all around; a paper chase ensues.

I've moved into this apartment with mom. It's not as hard as one might think except the part where we combine the two households. Thank god for self-storage, charities that "recycle" and friends looking for a change.

I'm still digging out. I'm using my textiles as a carrot. If I get this done, I may spend this amount of time knitting, weaving, reading, whatever. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I think.

I've got the next weaving project decided on. There's something called a tubular spectrum that I'd like to try in a shadow weave or some twill variation.

I also want to weave some small bedside rugs or bath mats - maybe both. I have medium weight pastel cottolin for warp with cream cotton chenille weft.

Future projects include a silk chenille throw, skirt length of Zephyr 50/50 silk and wool, and
I'd like to weave a bed cover in the "Lee's Surrender" pattern. I'm going to use Bermudian pastels in Shetland weight 100% wool for the warp. If I ever get the rest spun, I'll be using hand-dyed merino for the weft. It looks like a Bermudian sunset so I think some sampling will be necessary to make sure I'm not going to muddy the pattern with too many colors. Fingers crossed.


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