Friday, November 6, 2009

Nantucket Jacket III

I don't remember exactly when I started it. Not exactly the day or the time. I don't remember casting on. I had gotten the back finished and was 1/2 way through the fronts when I stopped. The Nantucket Jacket.

I love the style of this jacket. I love the pattern. I love the yarn I chose. So why did I put it down and forget about it for so long?

Who knows!

I started it some time after New Year's 2007. I started my new job in February of that year and I remember knitting this during lunch. I had knee surgery a month or so later. Dan died later that year. In the meantime there was an office move. But how this got put away, I don't know.

About a month ago, mom and I were going through my stash and she saw this poor orphaned project just lying there. I pulled it out and started to work on it again. I bought the buttons and last night I finally finished sewing it together and put the buttons on.

Today I am wearing my brand new sweater. Yay!!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nantucket Jacket II

A UFO done. The Nantucket Jacket is finished and (woohoo!) almost ready to wear! It's good for the office because the "heat" isn't.

Blowing cool air is blowing cool air no matter what the thermostat says. It's the breeze and sitting in the draft that will get you. Whoever had the brilliant idea of making the units blow constantly and only at medium should be made to sit in front of this damned thing in the winter!

So luckily the Nantucket Sweater has a nice big shawl collar. I think I might knit this again but this time make it a bit longer and make the sleeves 3/4 instead of 1/2.

Bergschaf yarn is marvelous and never should have been discontinued. Okay, so there was the small detail of the mill or warehouse not paying taxes and forcing closure of the company because they couldn't get their stock out. But that's just details.


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