Thursday, February 18, 2010

C'mon IRS; I want my Kindle!!!

I started looking at e-readers when a friend of mine wrote an article about Sony's. What a concept -- reading books on a hand-held device; not having to go to the bookstore and not having to find a place for the books before or when you're done reading. Best of all -- not having to remember when AAUW is taking book and when they are not!

Then I saw the Kindle. Ooooh, ahhhhh, ohhhhh! I fell in love. Kindle 1 was out. e-ink and not back-lit were the attractions. I'm having eye strain problems and the Kindle won't aggravate that. It looks great, there are no hard copies to deal with, it holds lots of books, and Amazon is the supplier of the device and the books. What could be better?

Problem -- I like going to bookstores and browsing. Solution -- I still can. Not every book is available and not every book is suitable. Knitting books will still be purchased. If I see a book in a store that is available, I can d/l it on the Kindle.

I was able to get my hands on a Kindle 2 recently. I was also able to get my hands on a Nook. iPad has just come out and are marketing themselves as Kindle's successor. Sony is out of the running because it doesn't have and doesn't seem to be getting the rights to the books.

Kindle feels great. I think the DX is a little large for me but it has its attractions. It knocked Nook out of the running immediately. Kindle is easier to navigate with a lighter touch. It also feels better; the weight is better and the whole design just feels right.

The Nook is more difficult to navigate. The buttons aren't as responsive; there is an area at the bottom of the screen for a touch pad keyboard. Sorry, I want the keys. If the keyboard isn't showing there is a banner with the book covers -- not something I am interested in and a possible distraction.

iPad is simply an iPhone without the phone or camera. Backlit -- Big Problem. Too many apps; too much laptop; too big; too much.

So now that I've decided on the Kindle and I know my tax refund will be going for that, what do I do? Screw up my paperwork!

A month later I am still waiting for the IRS to send a letter saying they need more information. I had to mail the thing because I am a 1st time home buyer; that was bad enough. Then I forgot to attach the HUD-1 form. Now I wait.


Baby - come to mama.


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