Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lucky me!

I got my Kindle and I got my chair. The weather will get warm enough to sit outside in the evenings and read. Life is good!

Especially since the place where I got the chair burned last night! What a shame! I know they will have no trouble rebuilding the store itself, but all those poor people out of jobs for the time being. Plus all the merchandise. I had to buy from the craft store on the upper level. That's not even part of Peachy's proper. There's also the little restaurant. There wasn't any information in the paper, but information circulating and the picture say it's a near to total loss.

That is the major grocery for the Amish for miles and miles around. On Saturdays the buggies would be parked all over there. Mom and I love the drive and having lunch there. Then the shopping. There are some things that you can only get there. The cooking supplies and spices are amazing. Not to mention the old style candy.

Here's hoping they can rebuild and resupply again soon!


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