Thursday, June 25, 2009

In search of ...

THE perfect sock pattern for a particular yarn. It's such a lovely hand-dyed yarn -- Blueberry Patch by Spinning Bunny. I can't wait to start using it! I have two colorways and I know I'll be making socks but I need just the right pattern.

I want a pattern that is nice to knit, won't take all my concentration and will show off the yarn nicely. A Cookie A. pattern -- such as Monkey -- might be a good choice. There are also some patterns in her book and in some magazines that would be nice as well.

I also have a project in mind for some of my Imagination yarn. A friend of mine bought me a skein of Wicked Witch. That's enough to do a sock with or a scarf. I'm thinking about doing a pair with the toe and heel of one in Wicked Witch and the body in Frog Prince. Then do the other sock in the reverse. I'll do these in Monkey because solid Alpaca is a little too warm. I have to do lace.

I think I might also buy some Mermaid Lagoon to go with the Looking Glass I have. I really love how buying sock yarn isn't considered adding to stash. That's a yarn stash rule and one that cannot be broken! I'm sicking to that story!

Oh!!! Maybe I'll do the entrelac socks out of the Blueberry Patch!

The search must continue until I finish the Monkeys on my needles. Then the rubber hits the road and I have to start with that yarn!

Lacy Bed Socks from Romantic Style? Traveling Stitch Leg Warmers (turned into stockings) from Knit So Fine? No. I'd need another skein at least and possibly two.

::digs through book, magazines and web pages::

Plaited Points? Hedera? Diamante?


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