Monday, February 22, 2010

Local IRS -- Awesome

Federal Kansas City -- not so much.

I went to the local tax office to try and straighten out an error I made on my return. I am a first-time home buyer, so I had to file by mail. An automatic 6 weeks wait for a refund. I made a couple mistakes and a) had the wrong amount of the purchase price (well, there were three date and three amounts to choose from!) and b) I didn't mail the HUD-1 form with the return.

The local office has one woman there from 9AM - 3PM on Thursdays minus 12:30 - 1:30 for lunch. There are no plans to extend the hours of give her help, I guess. So this poor, lone woman has to brave confused and, I would guess, sometime angry taxpayers. Luckily there is someone else in the office but not waiting on customers.

This woman looked up information for me, checking to see where my paperwork is so maybe I can send the corrected forms directly to the proper people in Kansas City.

It seems that Kansas City is always going to be the bane of my existence. Anyway, the clerk found out that they didn't even start to process -- ie. shuffle around -- the forms to the proper committee -- this is a committee deal here -- until Feb. 15. To be accurate, since Feb. 15 was a holiday, this process didn't start until the 16th. There is no telling how long it will take them to realize they have to send me a letter saying they need my HUD-1. I can tell you from looking on their website it takes at least a week to open envelopes and place them in baskets since they haven't acknowledged receipt of my other forms yet.

The nice local lady gave me some more bad news. Apparently the IRS informed the "public" -- I missed the announcement -- that it would take an additional 2 - 3 weeks to process the first-time home buyer's forms.

But the woman at the local office said if I cam back in a month she would check to see if it was in the system.

Possibly another month before it gets in the system? Crikey!

I want my Kindle, dammit!


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