Sunday, December 26, 2010

Good thing I didn't wait

I've been looking back over the year, as one tends to do at the end of the year. It has been almost one year since I put in for my tax refund and 1st time home buyer's rebate. The IRS turned me down, stating that because my last name and Dan's are the same, I am not eligible for the credit. You cannot buy from an ancestor or descendant - specifically defined as grandparent, parent, child or grandchild.

Call me crazy, but that leaves a lot of relationships out that still allow for the same last name. Perhaps the IRS is confused by my father's name Daniel D., Jr. and my brother's name Daniel D., III.

I wrote that I am contesting the decision because 1) Dan was my brother and therefore not in their "grandparent, parent, child, grandchild" parameter. 2) I bought the house from the estate and neither the executor nor the estate lawyer are related to me in any way. 3) It was bought out of foreclosure through the estate and as far as I know, no one at the bank is related to me.

So now I am awaiting another decision.

If  had waited on the IRS, I would not have my Kindle yet! That would be dire! I have been enjoying my Kindle so much; I can't even begin to imagine not having it! Knitting vies for my attention and often as not, loses.

I am two weeks out of a total knee replacement (thanks to insurance changes, I had it done of Dec. 9 instead of waiting for April). My Kindle kept me occupied during the hospital time when I was in bed but not sleeping. It was also a wonderful conversation ice breaker any time I was waiting in "public."

I've been reading a lot of "trash." Nothing too taxing on my brain while my brain is on drugs. The Kindle is the best gift I've ever given to myself! It would have been worth the wait, without a doubt, if I had indeed waited. I'm just so glad I didn't.


Monday, November 8, 2010

"Fleece Sale"

I saw a "Fleece Sale" sign along the side of the road yesterday. Man, did I get excited! Romney? Corriedale? Maybe even the Lincoln/Romney mix like Molly carried! I was drooling, dreaming of finding something near to the long-gone-but-not-forgotten Richard!

Richard was the first grey fleece I had spun. Emma was the one I learned on and Richard was my prized fleece that I dangled in front of myself. "Learn to spin and you may spin Richard," I told myself. He was a luscious long-stapled Romney/Lincoln with lovely crimp and sheen. He had a lovely hand when spun to a  medium or heavier yarn. Emma was a beauty, but Richard was a dream.

Just seeing that sign made me dream of finding another Richard to spin in the grease. My nose twitched; my fingers itched for just a little pat.

But, ya know .... it's odd to see someone advertising fleece for sale within the town limits. There are ordinances against raising sheep in town limits, so where would they get enough fleece to advertise along the road that they are selling it? Wouldn't a spinner want to keep the fleece?  Wouldn't an heir be better off selling the dearly-departed's spinner's stash at an estate sale? Putting all that effort into a special sale for the relatively small amount someone in town would have, well, that just seems silly!


Oops. My bad! Never mind.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Socks and more socks

I have to finish doing the heel gusset on my matching, mismatched socks. Knit in two colors, I am making the one the reverse colorway of the other. Most people just do the cuff, toe and heel flap in different colors.

I am not most people.

Toe, cuff, fine. Those are easy to do and switching color is no problem. The problem is in switching colors on the gusset. How do you switch color if you are knitting in the round and the new color is always on the wrong side of the sock from where you need it to be?

Not a big deal. Always two rows back and forth; knit in pattern and purl back. Wrap the yarn just like in Fair Isle or intarsia. My biggest problem was which row to stop the pattern across the instep so I would remember where I was after turning the heel flap and picking up the gusset stitches.

My solution was to knit the last pattern row so I could come back in plain purl. That way I was starting with the first row of the graph again.

When I finished turning the heel, I purled back and picked up gusset in purl, then continued across the heel again to pick up the gusset in knit. Stop, twist the colors, knit the first row of the pattern across the instep, purl back, stop. Then I make sure that every knit row is either pattern or decrease and every purl row is straight purl. This is what I have so far.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kindle vs. Dead Tree Books

I love my Kindle. His name is Vishous. I am faithful to my man V. I am in love with his technology.

There are people out there who try to lure me back to the world of Dead Tree Books (DTBs) for various reasons:

I'm reading a series and I'm offered a DTB because the friend has it. I won't have to buy the book; I can save myself that expense.

I might not like the book; try it first. So what if I can sample on Kindle?

Wouldn't I like the feel of the book in my hands? (Not to mention adding weight and taking up space in my purse.)

What they don't understand is this: There is a reasons I bought the Kindle. Aside from no longer dealing with bulk, storage and clutter, I love the feel of Vishous. I love the way my book is delivered to me and then V gets out of my way. Pages turn with the push of a button. It takes less time and my hand doesn't get in the way like it does with paper.

So now when friends offer DTBs -- mostly paperbacks, this is how it goes:

Friend: I can let you read the paperback.

Me:(puzzled look)

Friend: You can borrow my paperback!

Me: You have paper on your back? What?

Friend: Don't give me that! Here! (hands me the DTB)

(I dig around on the top for the "on" switch. I press the sides of the book)

Me: This thing isn't working!

Vishous is my honey. He hoards my library and only allows me access. V is faithful to me and I am faithful to V!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Now I am officially pissed at the IRS

I just received a letter from the IRS. They are asking for the HUD-1 form for the 3rd time. The first time they said they didn't receive it. The second time, I got receipt notice, followed by a letter saying they would make a decision in 45 days. Today I receive a letter saying they need the HUD-1 form.

Question: If they haven't been able to make a decision with 2 copies of the form why do they need a 3rd? Do they need another for someone else in the office? Do they not have copiers?If they actually need something else, why do they not ask for it? Since all the information is on the form -- names, signatures, date, contract sales price, addresses -- is it that they cannot read the form and don't know where on that form to find the information?

Or is it -- as I suspect -- just to give them a time extension?

Do I need to get my lawyer involved?

Happy birthday to ME!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

IRS and my baby -- Vishous

I get this letter from the IRS. After going through the whole "first time home buyer" thing and sending in the HUD-1 paperwork, I got a notice saying they didn't get the paperwork. I then had to send it again to Andover, MA. I did that and requested a return receipt this time. Another month passes.

I get this letter from the IRS. They have not done all the research necessary and I will hear from them in 45 days.

I send in my paperwork -- minus an important piece of information in January. The issue might be resolved by September 15. I have an ugly suspicion that they are going to say no because I bought it from my brother's estate. Not my brother -- his estate. The regulations say you can't buy from a family member defined as a parent, grandparent, child or grandchild. Brother is not included but I have the feeling they will say brother is included as family member, even if it is the estate.

So how does Vishous enter into the discussion? He's my Kindle! Had I not listened to my mom -- that persuasive-tongued woman! -- I would not have bought my Kindle in March.

So I will now play a game I very rarely play -- "What If ..."

Had I not brought Vishous home when I did, I would not be spending the amount of money on e-books that I have spent. Or the amount on accessories. Kindles are now much lower in price and there are some improvements overall. I would still be waiting because there would still be no decision from the IRS. And I would be rocking like a mad woman possessed, massively pissed!

On the other hand, I would have caved when the IRS gave me the rest of the refund a few months back. I would have bought my Kindle in May and been two months away from the cheaper, newer model and still have spent money on the books and accessories. Plus AAUW would have gotten a lot more DTBs (Dead Tree Books). Add to that, I would not have had the pleasure of my baby Vishous as my constant companion.

All in all, things work out the way they should even if it's not the way I want. Kindle-wise anyway. IRS-wise remains to be seen. Note to IRS: Should and want are one and the same, in this case. Fork over the bloody refund!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My cat ate my underwear

Remember the days when "my dog ate my homework" was used? Well, this morning my cat ate my underwear.

Iggy has a problem with my bare legs anyway. There's something about the legs that makes her want to attack them. Most of the time she just rubs against my legs and then give them a swat. Maybe the company that makes the body wash and powder puts catnip or catmint in the 'herbs' mix.

She gets this look in her eyes and I get the clue. Most of the time I can cut the problem off by putting on my pants or my skirt. She loses interest and goes to lay down.

Not today. Every single time I tried to get into my underwear, she swatted at it and dived for my legs. Until ... she grabbed the underwear and rolled around in it for a few minutes.

I put another pair on. She dropped the first and went for the legs. As I tried to put on the skirt, she made a dive for that.

If it weren't for the coffee, a very funny video sent by a friend, and zucchini bread made by another friend, I would be putting a sign on my door: "Don't Fuck With Me Today!" However, since that really isn't appropriate for the office, maybe I should just use Mr. Yucky Face.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pistachios, pistachios, pistachios

Sort of like saying nuts, nuts, nuts ... but different. One more pistachio story out of Penn State by the same woman who gave us all the other pistachio stories. The Mother of Pistachio studies written by the Mother of Nut stories. (She'll hurt me if she reads this. **wave**)

I used to love pistachios, but I'm not so sure about them now. Every bite is all about heart-healthy, cholesterol-lowering, blood pressure-lowering, antioxidant nuts. Next thing we'll hear is they are the poor man's Viagra! Then watch the price of pistachios go through the roof.

Nuts, I say NUTS!

Ok. Rant over. For now.

But No More Pistachio Studies!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lucky me!

I got my Kindle and I got my chair. The weather will get warm enough to sit outside in the evenings and read. Life is good!

Especially since the place where I got the chair burned last night! What a shame! I know they will have no trouble rebuilding the store itself, but all those poor people out of jobs for the time being. Plus all the merchandise. I had to buy from the craft store on the upper level. That's not even part of Peachy's proper. There's also the little restaurant. There wasn't any information in the paper, but information circulating and the picture say it's a near to total loss.

That is the major grocery for the Amish for miles and miles around. On Saturdays the buggies would be parked all over there. Mom and I love the drive and having lunch there. Then the shopping. There are some things that you can only get there. The cooking supplies and spices are amazing. Not to mention the old style candy.

Here's hoping they can rebuild and resupply again soon!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Plans changed

And sometimes that's a good thing.

I ordered and received my Kindle! It's everything I hoped and I'm loving it! I can't wait for breaks, lunch, getting home, etc. just so I can sit and read. I'm not getting much else done. But then, I wasn't getting much else done when I was reading paper books either. It all seems to work about the same there.

The accessories are coming in a bit at a time.

Next month -- my chair. Then I can sit outside and read! I can see it in my mind's eye right now: that will be my happy place.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Deadline set; bribery accepted

Order on the 27th. By then I will know if I fulfill the bribe requirement.

If I retain at lease $XXX in my checking account by the 27th with no large outstanding payments to before the 31st, I will order my Kindle. No more delays. I absolutely must have the money in the account or it's a no-go.

I went to the IRS again and there are several ways this can go -- all acceptable. I needed to hear that there are possibilities and that all is not lost, just because I'm an idiot and forgot the HUD-1 form.

I have my accessories all selected -- 2 year extended warranty is at the top of the list.

I have plans to put a dent in my wish list!

Just 12 more days of fiscal restraint and the Kindle is MINE!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Don't get too comfortable

It's 57 degrees out there. Lovely, spring-like. I'm holding my breath, half expecting that white crap to dump on us from the sky. Not from the birdies; from the clouds. Not that there are any clouds at the moment, but still. Clouds creep in, silently and BAM! drop a foot or two of sn*w. You can almost hear the clouds snickering as they do it, too! How rude!

Me -- Happy place, o happy place, where art thou, happy place?

Happy place -- Still hanging out at the IRS location in Kansas City, you foolish woman!


Friday, February 26, 2010

IRS update

According to the IRS "where's my refund" page, I should have my refund by March 30! Umm... no. Nice try. In a perfect world where I remember to send in all the forms, that might be accurate. However, this is not a perfect world and I am far from a perfect person.

But at least the paperwork is in the process of being kicked back so I can send the re-worked forms to them.

Mom and I went to Belleville last weekend and I saw the chair I want to get. I can see myself in the summer, out on the chair and reading the Kindle.

That is my happy place.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Local IRS -- Awesome

Federal Kansas City -- not so much.

I went to the local tax office to try and straighten out an error I made on my return. I am a first-time home buyer, so I had to file by mail. An automatic 6 weeks wait for a refund. I made a couple mistakes and a) had the wrong amount of the purchase price (well, there were three date and three amounts to choose from!) and b) I didn't mail the HUD-1 form with the return.

The local office has one woman there from 9AM - 3PM on Thursdays minus 12:30 - 1:30 for lunch. There are no plans to extend the hours of give her help, I guess. So this poor, lone woman has to brave confused and, I would guess, sometime angry taxpayers. Luckily there is someone else in the office but not waiting on customers.

This woman looked up information for me, checking to see where my paperwork is so maybe I can send the corrected forms directly to the proper people in Kansas City.

It seems that Kansas City is always going to be the bane of my existence. Anyway, the clerk found out that they didn't even start to process -- ie. shuffle around -- the forms to the proper committee -- this is a committee deal here -- until Feb. 15. To be accurate, since Feb. 15 was a holiday, this process didn't start until the 16th. There is no telling how long it will take them to realize they have to send me a letter saying they need my HUD-1. I can tell you from looking on their website it takes at least a week to open envelopes and place them in baskets since they haven't acknowledged receipt of my other forms yet.

The nice local lady gave me some more bad news. Apparently the IRS informed the "public" -- I missed the announcement -- that it would take an additional 2 - 3 weeks to process the first-time home buyer's forms.

But the woman at the local office said if I cam back in a month she would check to see if it was in the system.

Possibly another month before it gets in the system? Crikey!

I want my Kindle, dammit!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

C'mon IRS; I want my Kindle!!!

I started looking at e-readers when a friend of mine wrote an article about Sony's. What a concept -- reading books on a hand-held device; not having to go to the bookstore and not having to find a place for the books before or when you're done reading. Best of all -- not having to remember when AAUW is taking book and when they are not!

Then I saw the Kindle. Ooooh, ahhhhh, ohhhhh! I fell in love. Kindle 1 was out. e-ink and not back-lit were the attractions. I'm having eye strain problems and the Kindle won't aggravate that. It looks great, there are no hard copies to deal with, it holds lots of books, and Amazon is the supplier of the device and the books. What could be better?

Problem -- I like going to bookstores and browsing. Solution -- I still can. Not every book is available and not every book is suitable. Knitting books will still be purchased. If I see a book in a store that is available, I can d/l it on the Kindle.

I was able to get my hands on a Kindle 2 recently. I was also able to get my hands on a Nook. iPad has just come out and are marketing themselves as Kindle's successor. Sony is out of the running because it doesn't have and doesn't seem to be getting the rights to the books.

Kindle feels great. I think the DX is a little large for me but it has its attractions. It knocked Nook out of the running immediately. Kindle is easier to navigate with a lighter touch. It also feels better; the weight is better and the whole design just feels right.

The Nook is more difficult to navigate. The buttons aren't as responsive; there is an area at the bottom of the screen for a touch pad keyboard. Sorry, I want the keys. If the keyboard isn't showing there is a banner with the book covers -- not something I am interested in and a possible distraction.

iPad is simply an iPhone without the phone or camera. Backlit -- Big Problem. Too many apps; too much laptop; too big; too much.

So now that I've decided on the Kindle and I know my tax refund will be going for that, what do I do? Screw up my paperwork!

A month later I am still waiting for the IRS to send a letter saying they need more information. I had to mail the thing because I am a 1st time home buyer; that was bad enough. Then I forgot to attach the HUD-1 form. Now I wait.


Baby - come to mama.


Monday, February 15, 2010

The rules

Rule #1: Sometimes people die.

Rule #2: Death cannot be cured.

Rule #3: Doctors cannot change Rule #1 or Rule #2.

Rule #4: When favorite writers use these rules to kill off a favorite character, they pisses me off! And they make me weepy. And they piss me off because they've made me weepy!

But I have recently learned Rule #5: I don't have to finish the book just because I started it or because it's the next in the series.

I was reading a series of murder mysteries that are, generally, light and fluffy, but well written with good character development. As I normally do, I bought two at a time. I had started reading the one before I looked at the blurb on the back of the next. "It's been more than a year since her husband Martin's death ..."

Well crap! I love Martin. I love Martin and Roe as a couple. Martin gets killed off by the author.

Now what? It colors everything in the book. I know he has a finite number of hours left. I know at some point in the book I'm going to be horrified and grief-stricken, then the aforementioned weepy. I keep hoping for some good moments between Martin and Roe, some soft words and tenderness that both Roe and I can hang onto at the end.

At some point reality finally took hold and smacked me upside the head.

It's a book and I don't have to read it! I can skip to the next one. There is no rule that says I have to put myself though this. I have enough sadness in my real life; I don't have to deal with the death of a fictional character if I don't want to. Unlike real life, I can skip over that part and pick up with Roe a year after the fact.

Tomorrow is the 22nd anniversary of Dad's death. I don't need to live through Martin's death by the same cause. Not now. Not at this time in particular. I give myself permission to skip that.


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