Sunday, October 12, 2008

Socks? Gloves?

I decided I have to have a knitting project going. It's not as though I don't have plenty of projects going now but I feel the need to work on something new.
I got my needles out and my sock yarn and it's gloves! I decided I want to make some nice, long gauntlet gloves. I checked by sticking a pair of socks on my arms and I discovered that the length should be about the length of the leg or perhaps a little longer. I can actually use the same number of stitches to start. The hand and foot area should take about the same amount of yarn since my hand is smaller than my foot. Even if it takes more I should have enough yarn. When I make socks I usually have enough left over to make a pair of "golf socks." I'm almost done with the ribbing so it's decision time. Make a plain arm or make a cable. Hmmm....
I'm still winding out a warp for the loom. I can't seem to get motivated at stand at the loom after a long day at work. The weekends have been a little hectic too. I'm trying to make the best of the good weather because I know it won't last forever. Then in the evening I veg out in front of the computer or the TV. Usually with a cat needing and deserving attention while she sleeps.
Iggy does try to help out. In order to keep me from vegging in front of the computer, she jumps up on the chair for a snooze until I'm settled somewhere else. There's something about claiming "my spot" as "her spot." Typical kitty behavior.


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