Friday, August 21, 2009

Ball game, yarn, Tupelo honey and a movie

Last night I went to a ball game. I love the Spikes. The atmosphere is great. The people sitting around us are usually very nice; lots of fun at the park! Last night was no exception even if we did lose. The one pitcher walked the based loaded and then walked one home.

As if to try to make up for it, the Spikes rallied in the 9th but still lost by one. I won't mention which "one" that was.

Sometimes I take my knitting to the park with me and I knit while in a line or while waiting for the game to begin. Once I knit during a game while I was trying to finish off a pair of baby socks. I don't have to look at them much while I knit so I really don't miss any of the game.

I'm glad I didn't try that last night. Pop fly fouls kept coming in our direction. Even near the concession stands it wasn't safe. I was in line and a guy yelled "HEADS!" We all ducked because we had no idea where the ball was. It hit the roof of the stand, so yeah, close enough!

This weekend I'm going to a yarn shop but I actually have an ulterior motive. There are new yarns in the store but I'm really going to that area for the tea shop next door. They carry Tupelo honey. I've been jonesing for that since I was at Ag Progress Days earlier this week. Something about standing around hives, looking at all the combs of honey, gave me visions of Tupelo, dancing through my head.

Tomorrow afternoon I've decided to go see Julie & Julia. Looking at the theatres around here it was decided we have three choices: District 9, G.I. Joe or Julie & Julia. I'm betting J & J will be leaving first so I'd best see it before it's gone. The other two aren't going anywhere any time soon.


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