Friday, May 15, 2009

What have I done???

Just the same old, same old! I was called and asked if I would teach a knitting technique. I said yes. Now I have to go get a book to teach myself how to do it. I learn and teach pretty well that way.

I have the advantage of already knowing the basic technique. When I hit the heel, the sh*t hits the fan. But I look at this as an opportunity to continue learning something I've wanted to continue learning anyway. And in the process I can test out a toe-up technique I saw.

Thank god for Barnes & Noble and the internet!

Last time I was in B&N I found the knitting magazine I was looking for. Who ever heard of a magazine that doesn't have subscriptions? Well, this one does not! Luckily B&N carries it. Yea!

As I walked though the store looking at books I came across one that I thought was a cuter title and premise. Little did I know it was a bodice ripper!! lmao!! Not what I was intending to read. I usually go for a more sedate chick lit but it's a fun read anyway.

I bought "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies." What a blast! However since it is true Regency period with zombies thrown in I am reading it like I would any Jane Austen book -- slowly to savor it.


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