Monday, March 22, 2010

Plans changed

And sometimes that's a good thing.

I ordered and received my Kindle! It's everything I hoped and I'm loving it! I can't wait for breaks, lunch, getting home, etc. just so I can sit and read. I'm not getting much else done. But then, I wasn't getting much else done when I was reading paper books either. It all seems to work about the same there.

The accessories are coming in a bit at a time.

Next month -- my chair. Then I can sit outside and read! I can see it in my mind's eye right now: that will be my happy place.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Deadline set; bribery accepted

Order on the 27th. By then I will know if I fulfill the bribe requirement.

If I retain at lease $XXX in my checking account by the 27th with no large outstanding payments to before the 31st, I will order my Kindle. No more delays. I absolutely must have the money in the account or it's a no-go.

I went to the IRS again and there are several ways this can go -- all acceptable. I needed to hear that there are possibilities and that all is not lost, just because I'm an idiot and forgot the HUD-1 form.

I have my accessories all selected -- 2 year extended warranty is at the top of the list.

I have plans to put a dent in my wish list!

Just 12 more days of fiscal restraint and the Kindle is MINE!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Don't get too comfortable

It's 57 degrees out there. Lovely, spring-like. I'm holding my breath, half expecting that white crap to dump on us from the sky. Not from the birdies; from the clouds. Not that there are any clouds at the moment, but still. Clouds creep in, silently and BAM! drop a foot or two of sn*w. You can almost hear the clouds snickering as they do it, too! How rude!

Me -- Happy place, o happy place, where art thou, happy place?

Happy place -- Still hanging out at the IRS location in Kansas City, you foolish woman!


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