Friday, November 7, 2008

One down and more books

One stocking is finished except for the name and sewing it together. The other one has been started.

In the meantime I am reading. I guess I should not be taking the time to read instead of knit or warping but I've been waiting for "Remember Me?" to come out in paperback and it finally has. I'm not quite 1/2 way through but there's enough to keep me reading.

At the same time I also got "The Audacity of Hope." I'm reading that as well but I don't drop that in my purse and take it with me. It's more of a sit down and read chapters at a time. It's not like Kinsella's books where I can read a page or two and pick it up later.

I really liked "Undomestic Goddess." Even though the premise was a little out there - ok, a lot out there - it was a fun read. The first of the Shopaholics books was like that.

I need see if there are more by the woman who wrote "The Little Lady Agency." Those were a blast to read.

All I can say is thank goodness for the AAUW. Now when I'm finished with a book that isn't meant to be put in my library, I toss it in my trunk and stop at the drop-off on my way past.


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