Monday, August 4, 2008

Not organized yet!

I wonder how long it'll take before I get organized in my new space. I think I need to find a studio space.

In spite of my best intentions the loom is still surrounded by boxes of stuff. I thought there would be time to myself this past weekend but there wasn't much of that while I was actually at the condo. Aside from while I was asleep, of course. ::sigh::

I did get new sheets and a white board but I didn't get to Lowes or to the grocery. There are still 4 boxes preventing me from getting into the one closet.

I had the kitchen almost all arranged. Suddenly the bowls have gone missing. I'm going to have to hunt those down. Tonight I think I need to go through the dry goods and toss old spices and dead couscous. There is a can of Slim Fast that expired in 2000. I think it's time to toss that one.
My new Handwoven arrived today. There is a good article on warping board ergonomics. I think the artist's easel is probably going to be my best bet.

There are two looms out at the Knitter's Underground that are begging to be warped. There is also one in my living room.


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