Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bare beginnings

Here's the bare beginning of the weaving project. It has taken all week to get to the point I could get the loom in a position to start winding the warp. There's something in the math that isn't making sense. No worries. It'll sort itself out. Either I'll have to do this twice or I'll have enough for another project or (best of all worlds) I'm thinking this through properly and it'll come out the way I think it will.

Of course, there's a possibility that it'll be nothing like the dimensions I need and I'll turn this into something else altogether. So begins the adventure of weaving a project figured out by someone else who didn't give you all the information necessary to do the math yourself. I think I'm going to like this adventure!

P.S. - the Gang of Four is in the new location on the other side of the courtyard.


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