Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Twilight and Sookie Stackhouse

Saw New Moon. Yeah, I am so not the target audience on that one! I was rooting for the Vamp over the Were, but only by a hair (pardon the pun). "Rooting" is probably too strong a word. Maybe I should say I was less indifferent about the Vamp than I was about the Were.

Michael Sheen, Christopher Heyerdahl, Dakota Fanning and Graham Greene were good. Greene has 3 lines, gets killed off and was pretty much wasted. I adore that man!

There was something in Fanning's performance that reminded me of Claudia -- Interview with the Vampire "I know! Not in the house!"In general the Volturi provided a moment of interest.

Teenage angst! OMG!!! I wanted to yell "Bite her, for godsake!" just to get it done. Bite me if I ever have to see that movie again!

Maybe the books are better?

The Sookie Stackhouse books certainly are better. I must say I love Eric. Smarmy weasel vampire with a sense of humor and a tad bit of caring. Bill -- pain in the ass from the word go.

I think I need to rent True Blood. Anna Paquin certainly has changed since "The Piano" and the ads for the Internet.

In the meantime I am knitting mittens for Amy. She gave me hand-spun, hand-dyed alpaca and I will give her back mittens and the rest of the yarn. I told her two weeks and this Sunday is the deadline. No worries.

I had to play with the shaping a bit. Once I got that the rest was about 3 hours each and it's all over but the tucking in of threads.


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