Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Life in a small town

I have lived here in the same town for about 2/3 of my life. The rest, I lived in New York. That's "New York City" for those who have never lived in New York.

Now I work at a university. That's "The University" to those who live here. Working in the Research Communications department can be interesting. The stories we put out come from research work all across the university and the various campuses. But there is a side effect.

I went to the salon to get my hair done. Dan has been doing my hair for about 4 years now. I adore that man and I adore his partner, Gordon. Two of the nicest, funniest, sweetest, pithy people I have ever met! So Dan is washing and rinsing my hair, talking about a recent give away. The woman who won said she thought it was rigged so that she would. Dan said, "If I was going to rig this, I would rig it so XXXX XXXXXX won. Then I'd deliver the basket to his house!" I made sure I heard him correctly and had the same person in mind. Then I told Dan that I worked with the woman who wrote the release about this guy. She was also graduated from the same department as XXXX.

Fast forward to the next day. A'ndrea and I were out at a local open house. I had told her about the conversation with Dan. Who do I run into? Dan and Gordy, of course! I introduce them. I then find out they all also know XXXX's girlfriend. BANG! Right then and there we have our six degrees.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Six degrees

It all started at Penn State Hershey.

The story came from there, to our office where it was edited, proofed and distributed. Sleepiness in children linked to obesity, asthma

Next came a science writer. Based on our release, she wrote an article.

That shows up on NPR.

Then came the Twitter feed. A consulting hypnotist/executor of my late brother's estate, tweeted the NPR story.

All we need is Kevin Bacon!


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