Thursday, January 1, 2009

Weird kitty tricks

I don't know what's up with Miss Iggy recently. Maybe she has decided to amuse me.

The last couple days she has crawled into some odd places. Places she never showed any interest in before. The first place was between my night stand and two small chests She climbed over a chair and crawled in there. Then she just sat for a couple minutes:

Then today she was sitting beside me on a chair. I got up to get something out of a Captain's chest beside me. The chest has a roller door and small shelves inside. Miss Iggy looked at it and decided to try it out:

She looks so sweet in there but she didn't like me recording it for posterity. A few minutes she crawled out and went into the closet in mom's room. I think she likes the closet because that was her refuge from the dogs at her first home. We have a bed in there for her and we keep the door partially closed to give her some privacy.

Her favorite beds are still mine, mom's or my purple computer chair.


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