Monday, July 6, 2009

Second guess

Every once in a while a yarn comes along that is so wonderful you have trouble figuring out how to use it. That was the case with Blueberry Patch. So I made my own pattern.

Now I look at it and say "I think maybe the basic sock would have been really nice as well." So maybe I need to get another skein of that yarn and knit plain socks. The Yarn Harlot says that buying sock yarn isn't really adding to your stash. I don't just believe that; I LIVE that!

I really have to take the time and photograph the yarn. Then upload it to Picassa and then Ravelry. It is a must. I am working on a shawl and don't have any pictures. Worse, I finished a shawl aside from blocking and don't have pictures!

I'll be wearing the Cone of Shame if I don't correct this soonest!

Last night I watched "Lost in Austen." Very cute. I love Jemima Rooper. She was great in that and in "Hex." Christina Cole was in "Austen" and "Hex" too but this time the roles were a bit reversed. Alex Kingston played Mrs. Bennett. I recognized her as Dr. Corday on ER. Hugh Bonneville was the father. I had seen him in "Notting Hill" and "Vicar of Dibley." There were several other actors I recognized. They were all well cast except perhaps for Jane.

Now I have to go drop the DVD in the mail so I can get the next from Netflix!


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